(實際出刊日期 二○一七年六月、actual date of publication June 2017)
潮來橋遺址所見細繩紋陶文化陶器技術傳統The Fine Corded Ware Technical Tradition in the Chaolaiqiao Site
起源、棒球與國家:台灣馬蘭阿美人的新史實性的創造Genesis, Baseball, and the State:the Making of New Historicity among the Falangaw Amis of Taiwan
花東縱谷北段重光遺址發掘報告A Report on the Excavation at the Chungkuang Site in the Northern Section of the East Rift Valley
歐洲地區台灣原住民文物典藏狀況調查A Report on the Collections of Taiwan Indigenous Artifacts in Major European Ethnology Museums