胡正恆、林子晴 Jackson Hu , Tzu-Ching Lin | 情緒在地景中穿越古今:從達悟(雅美)文化的地名構詞談起 Emotional Reminders of Tao/Yami Landscape Between the Past and Present: In the Case of Making Place Names
| 1 |
Mike T. Carson | Austronesian Migrations and Developments in Micronesia 古南島語族的遷移及其在密克羅尼西亞的發展 | 25 |
Nguyen Thi Mai Huong | Neolithic Vegetation in Northern Vietnam:An Indication of Early Agricultural Activities 越南北部的新石器時代植被:早期農耕活動的跡象 | 51 |
張至善 Chi-Shan Chang | 尋找樹皮布:印尼中蘇拉威西田野報告 Searching the Fuya:The Field Report of Bark Cloth, Central Sulawesi, Indonesia | 73 |
黃郁倫 Yulun Huang | Fashionable Traditional Clothing: pakaian adat in Bali 流行的傳統服飾:以印尼Bali 島pakaian adat 為例 | 93 |