
孑遺生物 Relict

  • 展館說明:      孑遺生物指在遠古時代就已經存在,而現今仍有殘存族群者。它們在過去的地質年代中,族群數量曾經相當豐富,分布地區相當廣濶。在演化的過程中,歷經了重大的滅絕事件,導致大部分的族群滅亡,存活的親近種類亦甚為稀少,且殘存的族群侷限在稀少而狹小的區域中。因此,存活年代久遠、族群數量少、親族種類少、分布區域狹隘,便成為孑遺生物的主要族群特色。

          Relict is a population or taxon of organisms that have existed in ancient times, and still exist today. They were once abundant and widespread in the previous geological epoch. During the evolutionary process, major extinction events led to the extinction of most of the populations, and the surviving relatives were rare, and the surviving populations inhabiting a restricted area. Therefore, a long natural history, small number of groups, few kin species, and narrow distribution are the main characteristics of relict plants or animals.

    影片(The Video):https://www.instagram.com/p/CbeG8LZgRB_/