
臺灣島與海上路徑 Taiwan island and the Sea Path

  • 展館說明:臺灣島及其周邊區域包括空中和海上都是生物移動網絡的組成部分。 由“黑潮”和“候鳥遷徙”讓我們得以一窺臺灣與周邊世界密不可分的自然關係。臺灣海峽陸橋雖在冰河期後消失,但野生動物仍可跨海來到台灣,人類也是。
    Taiwan and its surrounding areas, including both the air and sea, are intergral parts of networks of creature movements. The path of "The Kuroshio Current" and "the bird migrations" provide a glimpse into Taiwan's inseparable natural relationships with the world around it. Although the land bridge in the Taiwan Strait disappeared after the ice age, wildlife could still come to Taiwan by way of sea and air, as could humans.

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