展館說明: 自2010年起,史前館以「館校合作」方式邀請高中職校原藝班舉行聯合展演, 2012年轉型為「原住民青年藝術節」,辦理迄今已邁入第9屆。
原藝節以表演藝術及視覺藝術創作兩範疇, 每年規劃主題展與原住民藝術教育成果展兩大項, 各校分別以木雕、陶藝、織繡、版畫、蠟染、 複合媒材、影像及舞蹈等傳統及現代媒材等展開創作。
Since 2010, the Prehistoric Museum has invited high school and vocational school indigenous art classes to hold joint performances through the "Museum-School Cooperation" program. In 2012, the festival was transformed into the " Indigenous Youth Arts Festival" and is now in its 9th year.
The festival focuses on both Performance Arts and Visual Arts creation. Each year, two major events are planned: the theme exhibition and the indigenous art education achievement exhibition. Each school presents wood carving, pottery, embroidery, printmaking, batik, mixed media, video, and dance. Each school will create works in traditional and modern media such as wood carving, ceramics, embroidery, printmaking, batik, mixed media, video, and dance.
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