
蘭嶼島與飛魚:教具箱介紹 Lanyu Island and Flying Fish: Introduction to the Teaching Kit

  • 展館說明:飛魚在海洋中扮演著著重要的角色,他們控制浮游生物族群增長,也作為許多大型魚類的食物來源;在臺灣的部分地區是當地民眾重要的營養及經濟來源。現今飛魚族群面臨威脅,我們應共同思考如何讓飛魚永續。國立臺灣史前文化博物館的環境教育教學運用不同種飛魚模型,讓學員認識臺灣的飛魚的種類、生態及習性。

    Flying fish play an important role in the ocean, they control the growth of plankton populations, and also serve as a food source for many large fish; in parts of Taiwan, they are an important source of nutrition and economics for the local people. Now that the flying fish population is under threat, we should think together how to make flying fish sustainable. The environmental education and teaching of the National Taiwan Museum of Prehistoric Culture uses different kinds of flying fish models to allow students to understand the species, ecology and habits of flying fish in Taiwan.

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